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  • Writer's pictureRyan Patzak

Do Auto Glass Insurance Claims Increase Rates in Ontario?

Car owners in Ontario, Canada may be wondering if filing an auto glass insurance claim will increase their car insurance rates. The short answer is no—auto glass claims do not affect your car insurance premiums. This is because auto glass claims are considered to be “no fault” and are covered by the Comprehensive portion of your policy. In this blog, we will discuss why auto glass claims do not affect your car insurance premium and what types of damage are covered under Comprehensive coverage.

What is Covered Under Comprehensive Coverage?

Comprehensive coverage protects you from certain types of damages that occur as a result of events other than collision. This includes theft, vandalism, fire, falling objects, hail and windstorms, animal strikes, and flood damage—all of which are considered to be “no fault” accidents. However, comprehensive coverage does not cover physical damage resulting from collisions with another vehicle or object. That type of damage is covered by Collision coverage.

Why Don’t Auto Glass Claims Affect Your Premiums?

Unlike other types of damages that may be caused by a driver's negligence (i.e., running into a tree), auto glass claims are considered “no fault” since they are typically caused by external factors such as debris, weather, vandalism, or animal strikes. As such, these claims do not affect your car insurance premiums because they aren’t seen as being the result of any particular driver’s negligence or recklessness on the road. Instead, they are treated as part of the regular maintenance costs associated with owning a vehicle—like oil changes or tire rotations—so filing an auto glass claim should not cause any concern about increased rates or premium hikes.

In summary, auto glass claims do not increase car insurance premiums in Ontario because they are considered to be “no fault” accidents that are covered under Comprehensive Coverage policies. Damage caused by external factors like weather events, vandalism or animal strikes can all be paid for under Comprehensive Coverage without affecting your rate increases or premiums. If you find yourself in need of an auto glass repair due to one of these events, rest assured that you don't need to worry about increased rates when filing a claim!


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