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  • Writer's pictureRyan Patzak

What Can Damage Your Autoglass?

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You may not think much of your car’s windshield or other autoglass parts, but they are actually incredibly important. Not only do they help keep the elements out, but they also protect you in the event of an accident. Unfortunately, autoglass can be damaged by a variety of factors. Let’s take a look at what can damage your autoglass.

Temperature Extremes

Autoglass is designed to tolerate temperature changes, but extreme temperatures can cause it to become brittle and eventually crack. If you live in an area that experiences extreme fluctuations in temperature, like going from very hot during the day to very cold at night, this could cause stress fractures in your autoglass. In addition, if you park your vehicle outside without any protection from the elements (e.g., a car cover), this could exacerbate the problem and cause more damage over time.


One of the most common causes of damage to autoglass is impacts from outside sources like rocks or debris kicked up on the road from trucks, cars and construction sites. Even small impacts can create cracks or chips that can spread over time until they must be replaced altogether. It’s important to have any impacts examined by an expert as soon as possible so that they don’t get worse and require more expensive repairs down the line.

UV Rays

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can also cause damage to autoglass over time. These rays weaken the glass and make it more susceptible to cracking or shattering under pressure like impacts from outside sources or temperature extremes. To prevent UV ray damage, make sure you always use a UV-blocking spray when cleaning your autoglass or check if you have a solar windshield. Try to park in shady areas whenever possible.

Your autoglass plays an important role in protecting both you and your vehicle from harm, so it's essential that you take steps to protect it against damage caused by temperature extremes, impacts from outside sources, and UV rays from the sun. By being proactive with regular checkups and using protective measures such as UV-blocking sprays, solar windshields and UV-blocking windshield covers, you can ensure that your autoglass stays in good condition for many years to come!


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